What Is a Workers’ Compensation Offer?
When injured at work or having developed a work-related illness, employees can file a workers’ compensation claim on their employer’s insurance policy. Once the insurance company accepts the application, it will propose an initial settlement amount or a workers’ compensation offer, which could include coverage for: Medical bills A percentage of lost wages Temporary disability…

Can You Collect Workers’ Compensation and Disability at the Same Time?
Workers’ compensation benefits can help you make ends meet while you wait for the SSA to determine whether you qualify for disability benefits. However, it is important to note that what you receive in workers’ compensation benefits can reduce your Social Security Disability benefits. This is because there are limits to how much you can…

Does Premises Liability Cover Assault in South Carolina?
The short answer is yes. Premises liability does cover assault in South Carolina. There is a caveat, though. The coverage only applies under certain circumstances where you can show that the owner or occupier of the premises failed to provide a clean and safe environment—including failure to remove an aggressive assailant. Negligence in a Premises…

What Injuries Can You Get from a Car Crash?
Car accidents can come with a host of injuries, depending on their severity. Whiplash is a common injury sustained in a car crash, but car accident victims can sustain many other types of injuries. Some injuries you can get from a car crash include: Broken bones Internal bleeding Spinal cord injuries Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)…

What Happens When You Go to Court for a Premises Liability Case in South Carolina?
What happens when you go to court for a premises liability case in South Carolina will rest on a variety of factors present in your case. Because many personal injury claimants are able to reach agreements without the need of a judge, cases do not often make it to court at all. However, if you…

Can I Sue Someone if I Hurt Myself on Their Private Property in South Carolina?
You can sue someone if you hurt yourself on their private property in South Carolina. However, you must have been legally allowed to be on the premises at the time of your injury. Property owners have a duty of care to promote the safety of invitees and licensees while on the premises. However, S.C. Ann….
How Long Can You Receive Workers’ Compensation in South Carolina?
How long you can receive workers’ compensation in South Carolina depends on the severity of your injury. In most cases, according to the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission, you can receive benefits until your doctor clears you to return to work. This could last for up to 500 weeks. However, if your injury resulted in…
Do All Workers’ Compensation Cases End in a Settlement?
No, all workers’ compensation cases do not end in a settlement. Settlements are acquired when there is a dispute between two parties—often the person who filed the claim and an insurance company. When someone is injured on the job, they must file a claim via the proper channels and wait for an approval or denial…
Does Workers’ Compensation Pay Full Salary in South Carolina?
Workers’ compensation does not pay full salary in South Carolina. The South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission explains the factors used to determine workers’ compensation insurance benefits. As a general rule, workers’ compensation entitles you to 66 ⅔% of your average weekly salary. However, there are restrictions. The South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce (DEW)…
How Long does a Car Accident Claim Take to Settle?
There is no set time frame on a car accident claim to settle, as most claims will depend on insurance companies determining a settlement offer or even fighting the claim by taking the case to court. Most car accident lawsuits involve several stages, which include: Filing a claim or lawsuit Pre-trial motions from the defendant…
Is It Worth Hiring a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?
If you were in an accident caused by another driver while you were driving a motorcycle, and you want to hold the driver accountable, the short answer is yes, it is worth hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer. A lawyer can investigate the details of your case, gather evidence, and negotiate with the insurance company for…
How do I Find a Good Car Accident Lawyer?
Asking the right questions can help you find a good car accident lawyer. You may want to ask questions about their legal history and legal fees. Write down your questions before you start making calls so that you do not forget any important information you were curious about or needed to know. Professional associations, such…
Should I Accept My First Workers’ Compensation Offer?
Accepting your first workers’ compensation offer will depend mainly on the extent of your work-related injuries or illness, how much your employer’s insurance company is willing to pay, and what expenses have (or have not) been considered in the settlement offer. Other factors that could influence your decision include: You have concerns your illness or…
What does TTD Mean?
TTD means total temporary disability. This type of benefits is available to those who apply for workers’ compensation coverage. Some applicants will receive this type of coverage based on the specifics of their injuries. Other individuals may receive a different type of coverage: Total permanent disability (TPD) Partial temporary disability (PTD) Partial permanent disability (PPD)…
What do Car Accident Lawyers Do?
Car accident lawyers protect the legal rights of their clients who have been in car crashes. In addition to protecting their rights, lawyers also manage the entirety of their client’s legal case. Much of what car accident lawyers do involves building cases for injured parties. How Car Accident Lawyers Help Injured Parties When you hire…
Do Insurance Companies Pay for Pain and Suffering?
Insurance companies do pay for pain and suffering. Both South Carolina and Georgia laws allow you to receive compensation for pain and suffering from insurance companies, as well as for your monetary losses and expenses from an accident. If another party was negligent or at fault for causing the accident, and you suffered damages as…
What Are the Four Types of Workers’ Compensation Benefits?
The four types of workers’ compensation benefits include the following, according to the Social Security Administration (SSA): Permanent total (PT): A PT injury is the most serious of the four and refers to someone who will likely never be able to work in their profession again because of their injuries. For example, someone who suffers…
Who Qualifies for Workers’ Compensation in South Carolina?
In South Carolina, you are eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits if you meet the following two qualifications: You were physically injured in an on-the-job accident, and You work for a company that is required by law to carry workers’ compensation insurance Below is a brief overview of who qualifies for workers’ compensation in South…
How Long does a Motorcycle Accident Claim Take to Settle?
Each case is unique and different, so there is no way of knowing how long a motorcycle accident claim will take to settle. The American Bar Association states that a settlement is when you “agree to accept money in return for dropping your action against the person who injured you.” You may want to accept…
When Should You Get a Lawyer for a Car Accident?
Dealing with a debilitating injury can be more than a full-time time commitment. You may want to get a lawyer for a car accident if you suffered from injuries such as: Concussions Whiplash Broken bones Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Abrasions, cuts, bruises, burns Whiplash injuries may take a few days to develop. Be sure…
What Are You Entitled to in a Car Accident Claim in South Carolina?
After you are hurt in a car accident in South Carolina, you may be entitled to file a claim for compensation. Some forms of damages you can seek include past and expected medical care costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. At our firm, we are committed to helping you recover your losses. One of…
If I Suffer an Injury on Public Property, Is the City Liable in South Carolina?
If you suffer an injury on public property, the city may be held liable in South Carolina. The party in charge of maintaining the property could be responsible for keeping most people safe. Under the South Carolina Code of Laws §15-82-10, trespassers are not protected under any duty of care. However, a property owner has…
Should I Use My Own Insurance if I Have Full Coverage on My Damaged Car?
You may not know what insurance option is best for you after a car accident. When the other driver is at fault, you would generally file a claim with their insurance to recover damages. However, this is not required, and you could use your own policy’s coverage, depending on what you have. It may benefit…
How Much Does a Dog Bite Lawsuit Cost in Georgia?
If you or someone you care about has sustained a dog bite, you may want legal help to get fair compensation for the injury. It’s understandable to be hesitant to hire a lawyer, though, as their services are known to be expensive. The cost of a Georgia dog bite lawsuit varies case to case, and…
How Long Does It Take to Settle a Motorcycle Accident Claim?
It takes months, sometimes years, to settle a motorcycle accident settlement. When you pursue compensation from a party, many variables predict the overall timeline of the case, but it greatly depends on the duration each process involved takes. Connect with a lawyer when the accident occurs to help you negotiate various offers and counteroffers before…
Should I Accept a Cash Settlement from the Insurance Company Adjuster for My Premises Liability Injury?
After an accident, the initial and recurring costs make it tempting to accept an insurance adjuster’s initial cash settlement offer. However, that decision can end up doing more harm than good and even rob you of your rightful settlement. After an accident, costs continue to rise that you had not anticipated. The insurance company knows…
How Do You Win a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?
To win a wrongful death lawsuit, you must prove that the negligence of another party led to or contributed to the death of your loved one. If your loved one’s death was intentional, you must prove the fatality was not by accident. Since handling a wrongful death lawsuit can be complex, it is advisable to…
Is Chronic Back Pain Considered a Workers’ Compensation Disability in Georgia?
Back pain can range from mild to debilitating, sometimes keeping you from working or even standing for long periods. You could develop chronic back pain related to your job due to a repetitive motion injury or an accident. Either way, if you’ve suffered injuries at your place of employment, you can apply for workers’ compensation…
How Does a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in South Carolina Work?
When a loved one’s death resulted from someone else’s careless or intentional acts, South Carolina law allows families to file a wrongful death lawsuit. In many cases, surviving family members incur hefty medical and funeral costs, not to mention having to endure the loss of financial and emotional support they received from the deceased. Filing…
How Much Should You Settle for After a Car Accident?
After a car accident, you may face hospital bills, insurance costs, and mental turmoil, all of which can be challenging to take care of without help. Automobile accident compensation might help you recoup the money you’ve spent, though. You may qualify to recover past and expected medical costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and the…
What Is the Process When the Insured and Insurer Are Unable To Agree on the Amount of a Claim To Be Paid?
When the insured and insurer disagree on the claim amount, the insurer can negotiate. Insurance claims are not always settled during negotiations, though. In these situations, the insurance company wants the insured to ask for less, and the insured feels like the company is offering too little. If the insured and the insurer cannot agree…
What Is the Difference Between a Concussion and a Traumatic Brain Injury?
The difference between a concussion and a traumatic brain injury (TBI) is that a TBI is much more serious and affects the victim for longer. Concussions are minor head injuries. A concussion is considered a traumatic brain injury, but not all TBIs fit the description of concussions. Falls, car accidents, physical trauma or abuse, and…
What Is Considered a Hazardous Condition in a Premises Liability Case?
A hazardous condition in a premises liability case is an unsafe state that can cause harm to people present on a property. All property owners (public and private) should ensure that their property is free from hazardous or dangerous conditions. If you or your loved one was injured on another person’s property, you could wonder…
What if I Was Attacked on a Property in South Carolina?
If you were attacked on a property in South Carolina, you could start the legal process in pursuit of compensation. Any kind of attack on your or someone else’s property can be devastating. Not only has the attacker violated you, but they have also broken your trust in a location that should otherwise have been…
How To Find a Good Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in South Carolina
You could find a workers’ compensation lawyer good for your case by doing research and talking to their staff. You can also check their website to read about them, look at reviews of their services online, and see how many workers’ compensation cases they’ve won. Another thing you can do is talk to friends and…
How Much Should I Settle for a Back Injury in a Workers’ Compensation Claim?
You should settle for a workers’ compensation claim that covers all your back injury needs. You deserve the funds to support yourself after a work injury. The severity of a back injury may vary from a slipped disk, a broken back, or paralysis. Each of these would attract different settlements and terms. Your damages would…
How Long Does It Take To Negotiate a Workers’ Compensation Settlement?
Workers’ compensation cases are not the same as typical personal injury cases. Negotiations for workers’ compensation settlements may take time, depending on your case and situation. A workers’ compensation attorney can assist you in protecting your rights and provide legal advice to aid you throughout the entire claims process. How Long Does It Take To Reach…
Does Premises Liability Cover Animal Attacks in South Carolina?
Premises liability covers domesticated and wild animal attacks in South Carolina. Generally, property owners must keep their properties safe. Failure to do so means that the property owner is responsible for any damages caused by animal attacks on their territory. Victims of animal attacks often need medical attention, which can be very costly. Depending on…
Does Premises Liability Cover Animal Attacks in Georgia?
Yes, premises liability law covers animal attacks in Georgia. Unfortunately, some animal attacks can cause catastrophic damages, leaving the victim with a huge medical bill to pay, lost wages, and plenty of suffering. Our lawyers can utilize our knowledge of premises liability law to hold the liable parties financially accountable for your losses. You should…
What if I Wasn’t Driving My Car During a Car Accident?
Lending your car to a friend can be costly if they get into a car accident. Even if you were not driving the car when an accident occurred, your insurance would be considered the primary liable party. All claims that go through your insurance could affect your rates. However, if your car was taken without…
How Much Does a Dog Bite Lawsuit Cost in South Carolina?
Your South Carolina dog bite lawsuit’s worth depends on the specifics of your injuries and other related losses. Many cases settle before they reach court, so the value of these cases is not often known. Your lawyer can use their prior experience gained from successful dog bite cases to determine what your case could be…
Can My Conduct Prevent Me From Collecting Damages From My Slip and Fall Case in South Carolina?
A slip and fall can happen anywhere. Sometimes, even the most careful individual can become a victim. Slip and fall accidents are common, but not all accident victims collect damages. In unique cases, one’s conduct prevents them from collecting damages from their slip and fall cases. Property owners exercise a duty to maintain an environment…
What Can I Do To Protect My Rights After A Bicycle Accident In South Carolina?
After a South Carolina bicycle accident, you can protect your rights by getting medical attention and collecting evidence of your losses. Bicycle accidents can cause serious injuries and a family member’s passing in worse cases. Our lawyers can answer questions about all kinds of bicycle accident losses. Our team could help you hold the at-fault…
How Do Car Accident Lawyers Handle Loss of Wages Claims?
If you were injured in a car accident, you might have suffered severe injuries. When your injuries are permanent or life-changing, you could lose your ability to work. Without income, you and your family may suffer a debilitating financial strain. When a car accident prevents you from earning a living or reduces your earning capacity,…
How Do I Maximize My Workers’ Compensation Settlement?
Suffering injuries at work can be a traumatic experience. Trying to recover while dealing with insurance companies and workers’ compensation doctors can make the process even more stressful. A work injury can leave you with many medical bills, days, weeks, or more of missed work time and stress over how to pay for your living…
Do Insurance Companies Settle Accident Claims Before They Go To Court?
The American Bar Association affirms that insurance companies (and others) usually settle accident claims before they go to court. If you get injured in an accident, you could have the right to get compensated for your injuries and losses. There will be an insurance policy in place to cover your losses in most cases. Accident…
How Is Fault Determined in a Rear-End Collision?
Fault in a rear-end collision is often attributed to the approaching driver who struck the other vehicle from behind. However, the lead driver or any other vehicle could be held liable for damages arising from a rear collision accident. Rear-end collisions are not always cut and dry. Many factors might contribute to the accident. If…
Who Can I Sue in a Premises Liability Claim in South Carolina?
Often, personal injuries occur due to negligence by the responsible parties. Depending on the conditions under which you got injured, you can sue the following parties in a premises liability claim: Property owners and businesses who fail to maintain their property Pet owners, if the pet attacked and injured you Construction companies that fail to…
Can Reckless Driving Cause a Side-Impact Accident?
Yes, reckless driving can cause a side-impact accident. Whether a driver is angry or frustrated due to personal reasons, distracted while on a phone call, or irritated due to traffic conditions, reckless driving is inexcusable. It puts other road users at risk of getting hurt in an accident. Suppose you or your loved one suffered…
Should I Give a Statement to the At-Fault Driver’s Insurance Company After a Car Wreck?
The short answer is “no.” You’re not legally bound to even speak directly to the at-fault driver’s insurance company after a car wreck. The insurer may call you and try to have you say things you shouldn’t in the recorded statement, like admit fault. Instead, have your attorney speak to the insurance agent on your…
How to Find a Good Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Georgia
To find a good workers’ compensation lawyer in Georgia, take these steps: Ask people in your social circle, such as family, friends, colleagues, and neighbors, for recommendations. Research each lawyer online. Check out their website and any articles about them or their cases. Read reviews on their job performance. Compile a list of lawyers from…
How Does a Car Accident Settlement Work?
Car accident settlement processes go differently for everyone, as each case comes with its own circumstances. However, generally speaking, the typical timeline is: Seeking a free consultation with a personal injury law firm Reviewing insurance information Investigating the accident Continuing and monitoring medical care Preparing your settlement package Negotiating a settlement If your attorney cannot…
Am I Entitled to Compensation for My Slip and Fall Injury?
There’s a good chance you are entitled to compensation after a slip and fall. Slipping and falling onto concrete, wood, dirt, or a hard floor does not always result in a severe injury. However, when it does, the injury could possibly require medical attention and a lengthy recovery time. If someone else is at fault…
How Do I Know if My Neck Injury from a Car Accident Is Serious?
Neck injuries are some of the most common injuries from car accidents. People suffering from neck injuries consider them to be life-altering because they disrupt their lives in so many ways. To know if your neck injury from a car accident is severe, you need to consider the effects on one’s quality of life. When…
Should I Call the Police When I Am Involved in a Car Crash?
You should call the police when you are involved in a car crash, especially if it caused injuries or significant property damage. A police officer can: Ensure that everyone at the scene, including you, is safe and gets necessary medical care Preserve any evidence at the accident scene Speak with witnesses Create a comprehensive report…
When Should You Get a Lawyer for a Bicycle Accident?
Generally, after a bicycle accident, you should get an attorney as soon as you can. They will manage all aspects of your case, including: Collecting and analyzing evidence Proving the other party’s negligence Handling the correspondence Determining the extent of your losses Negotiating a settlement with the insurance company Arguing your case in a trial…
Can My Conduct Prevent Me From Collecting Damages From My Slip and Fall Case in Georgia?
An injured claimant’s conduct could prevent them from collecting damages after a slip and fall accident. In Georgia, this means that responsibility might not lie upon the property owner, even if you fall on their premises. The injured party can be held liable as well. The Factors That Could Affect Your Slip and Fall Compensation…
What Can I Get Paid for Car Accident That Was Not My Fault?
When you are involved in a car accident that was not your fault, you can get paid for a variety of injuries, expenses, and losses you incur. You will need to establish all the ways your injuries and the collision itself has affected your life to determine what your car accident claim is worth. This…
Who Can File a Slip and Fall Accident Claim in Georgia?
Slip and fall accidents can cause debilitating injuries and even death. Due to the potential severity of the injuries, you may incur high costs of treatment and miss work. If you suffered an injury in a slip and fall accident because a property owner failed to maintain a safe environment, you could be eligible for…
What Is Considered a Serious Injury in a Car Accident in Georgia?
Under O.C.G.A. § 40-6-394, a serious injury in a car accident in Georgia is when a driver: Caused organic brain damage that renders the victim’s body or part of their body useless Rendered a member of the victim’s body useless Deprived the victim of a member of their body Disfigured the victim’s body It is…
What Is a Premises Liability Case?
The law requires property owners to provide safe and hazard-free environments to everyone who visits their property. This obligation is known as premises liability. It holds a property owner responsible for any injuries resulting from their negligence to maintain their property in a reasonably safe state. If you or a loved one sustained injuries on…
If I Am the Victim of a Trucking Accident In Georgia, Who Can I Sue?
If you are the victim of a trucking accident in Georgia, you may be able to sue: The truck driver The trucking company A parts manufacturer A government agency Our truck accident lawyers could help you seek justice and fight for you to receive the compensation you deserve. Multiple Parties Can Be Responsible for the…
Are Pedestrians Always at Fault in Pedestrian Accidents?
No, pedestrians are not always at fault in pedestrian accidents. To illustrate, a driver could have failed to give them the right of way. Alternatively, a government agency might not have cleaned up road debris. If a driver hit this debris, they could have lost control of the car, causing an accident. If you suffered…
Can a Family Member Sue for Wrongful Death After a Car Accident?
In Georgia, a family member of a deceased car accident victim can typically sue for negligence to obtain financial compensation for their losses. In South Carolina, the decedent’s personal representative is generally the one who sues. In both states, the deceased’s spouse, parents, and children can request support from the liable party. You should focus…
After My Car Accident, Who Should I Call First: A Lawyer or My Insurance Company?
We’re often asked if someone should wait to call their insurance company since they are known to safeguard their bottom line. These agents know that those involved in an accident are vulnerable, suffering the results of damages, and want to settle quickly. So, they may offer the injured party a check for an amount below…
What Is the Average Settlement for Wrongful Death Lawsuits?
There is no average settlement for wrongful death lawsuits, because every case has its own circumstances. However, typical factors that influence this number include: How the decedent passed away The nature of their injuries If they were the breadwinner of the family How their death has affected their surviving family members Final arrangements A wrongful…
What if I Was Attacked on a Property in Georgia?
Unfortunately, attacks can happen any time of day, and anyone can be a victim. If you were attacked on a property in Georgia, you could file a civil claim against the owner or manager of the premises. You could also have a civil case against the perpetrator in addition to any criminal charges they may…
What’s My Personal Injury Case Worth?
There are several types of personal injury accidents, and the value of your case depends on multiple factors. To estimate how much your personal injury case is worth, attorneys, insurance companies, and/or the courts consider the extent of a person’s injury, insurance coverage, and expenses and losses you and your family experienced. If you have…
What Safety Standards Do Property Owners Have to Have in Place in Georgia?
Georgia property owners need to know and follow safety standards on their property to protect visitors. Property owners in Georgia have many safety standards they must follow to protect visitors to their establishments, which includes conducting regular maintenance. While property owners don’t have a legal obligation to protect you from all dangers on their premises,…
Can I Sue a Mechanic or Auto Repair Shop for Negligence in South Carolina?
Cars make our day-to-day lives significantly convenient, and we trust mechanics and auto repair shops when the car is due for service or needs repair. However, if they fail to detect an issue, improperly install a part, or make another type of error and you get in an accident because of it, they should be…
Will My Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Deal With the Insurance Companies for Me?
After a motorcycle accident, dealing with insurance companies may be the last thing on your mind, especially when you are trying to focus on your recovery. Instead, you can hire a motorcycle accident lawyer to handle the insurance company on your behalf. Doing so can bring you peace of mind, as you will have someone…
Can Both Parties Be At Fault in a Car Accident?
There are usually three narratives in a car accident; what one driver believes happened, what the other driver says happened, and what actually happened. Determining what happened and the party—or parties—at fault can help determine who is liable for damages. In some incidents, determining the at-fault party and holding them accountable for the accident damages…
Do I Have to File a Lawsuit to Get Paid After a Slip and Fall Accident in South Carolina?
You may not have to file a lawsuit to get paid after a slip and fall accident in South Carolina. You may be able to file a claim against a property owner and obtain compensation through a settlement. However, filing a lawsuit is sometimes necessary in this case, especially if your settlement offers are inadequate….
Can I Lose My Job While on Workers’ Compensation in South Carolina?
You can’t lose your job while on workers’ compensation in South Carolina (though this only applies to the job you applied for coverage with). If you get hurt in the workplace or are diagnosed with an occupation-related illness, you are protected from employer retaliation. However, it’s not always easy for injured employees to receive the…
Can You Get PTSD from a Motorcycle Accident?
You can get PTSD from a motorcycle accident. PTSD stands for post-traumatic stress disorder and is caused by traumatic events a person experiences or witnesses. The most common causes of PTSD are sexual assault, war, domestic abuse, and severe accidents. While a motorcycle accident can often be a traumatic event, not everyone gets PTSD from…
Can I Sue Someone Personally After a Bicycle Accident in Georgia?
You can sue someone personally after a bicycle accident in Georgia to seek compensation for damages you or your loved one suffered. Winning a court award requires proving that the defendant caused or contributed to the accident, resulting in injuries and other damages. If there’s inconclusive evidence or no eyewitnesses to the bicycle accident, proving…
Do You Have to Go to Court for a Bicycle Accident?
Bicycle accidents can occur at any time, and the results can be devastating. If you or your loved one has been involved in such an accident, you qualify to demand financial recovery from the liable party. You may wonder if filing a lawsuit is the only way to get the compensation you seek and resolve…
Am I Entitled to Recover Damages if I Noticed the Hazard Before My Slip and Fall Injury in Georgia?
In Georgia, individuals who sustain injuries and damages from slipping, tripping, or falling on someone else’s property have the option to file for damages. The injured person must prove that the property owner or other liable party knew or should have reasonably known about the hazard and failed to fix it or warn others of…
Is Chronic Back Pain Considered a Workers’ Compensation Disability in South Carolina?
Due to its long-term effects, chronic back pain can be considered a permanent partial disability (PPD) under workers’ compensation in South Carolina. PPD is a workers’ compensation disability level where the injured employee can still go to work, but experiences reduced skill and efficiency compared to before the injury. Unfortunately, work-related injuries occur frequently, which…
Can Both Parties Be at Fault in a Side-Impact Accident?
A side-impact accident, also known as a T-Bone accident, occurs when one car is hit from the side, usually at a 90-degree angle. Often, the side-impact accident is ruled as the fault of one driver, though both parties can be at fault in a side-impact accident. How Side-Impact Accidents Occur Side-impact car accidents often occur…
Can I Sue a Mechanic or Auto Repair Shop for Negligence in Georgia?
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), approximately 94 percent of traffic accidents result from driver error. In these types of accidents, the driver at fault is often responsible for your damages and losses. While driver error is the primary cause of road accidents, faulty maintenance can also contribute to collisions. You can…
What Happened at Camp Lejeune?
The environmental disaster at Camp LeJeune stands as one of the worst cases of water contamination in US history. Marines and their families have suffered cancer and other illnesses for decades as a result of negligence on the part of those responsible. Cases stretch back to the 1950s, and exposure continues to this day. If…
What Type of Doctor Should I See After a Car Accident?
After an accident, it can be tricky to understand what type of doctor you should see after a car accident. Everyone involved needs to assess their health and be examined by a medical professional. You should contact emergency services, and everyone should be taken care of. A doctor will see you in the case of…
What Is Considered a Major Back Injury?
Nothing can sap your physical and mental energies like major back pain injuries. If you experienced a back injury, you could sue a negligent party. Major back injuries can include: Extensive bruising. Damage to the spinal cord. Injury to one or more of your internal organs. Fractures (breaks in a bone). Cedars-Sinai reports that a…
What Should I Expect from a Rear-End Accident Settlement?
Since every rear-end accident settlement is different, there’s no way to tell you what to expect. The compensation you are entitled to obtain is based on: The severity and type of your injuries The nature of the car accident Your prognosis How your work has been affected The extent of your medical bills A car…
Can I Make a Claim If My Uber, Lyft, or Taxi Driver Was in a Car Accident?
You could make a claim if your Uber, Lyft, or taxi driver was in a car accident. The liable party will depend on what was happening at the time. Rideshare companies, such as Uber and Lyft, are relatively new transport options. Typically, your ride home will be quick, safe, and convenient. Unfortunately, accidents do happen….
How Long does a Back Injury Take to Heal?
Depending on the severity, a back injury can take days or years to heal. Minor back pain can come from a strain from lifting too much or standing for a long workday. It will likely go away on its own in time. However, really painful and damaging injuries might take months or years to heal. …
Can You Sue Uber If You Get in a Rideshare Accident in Georgia?
If you have been injured or your vehicle has been damaged in an accident with a rideshare driver, you probably have questions. Firstly, whether you can sue Uber if you get into an accident with a rideshare driver in Georgia? The short answer to this question is yes, but as with many legal matters, there…
Can You Get Whiplash in a Side-Impact Accident?
Whiplash injuries can occur in side-impact collisions. If you are suffering from whiplash after a side-impact collision, knowing the facts can help. You might be eligible for financial compensation if you suffered a whiplash injury from a side-impact collision. Accidents happen, but sometimes they are preventable. Not all whiplash is trivial. This article will sort…
Can I Seek Compensation for a Motorcycle Road Rash Injury?
Anyone suffering from road rash (or any other motorcycle accident) could seek compensation if the injury was caused by negligence. Motorcycle accidents can lead to high medical costs. Some motorcycle insurance policies offer less coverage than they do for cars. In addition, insurers could blame an accident victim for the collision. Your lawyer can walk…
What You Should Ask Your Motorcycle Accident Attorney at Your First Meeting?
After a motorcycle accident, an attorney’s team will review your case during your first consultation. You should be prepared to ask about the background of the law firm and whether it has handled similar cases like yours before. You should also inquire about whether you can get compensation, what amount to expect, and who could…
What Should I Expect from a Car Accident Settlement for Nerve Damage?
Car accidents can cause considerable physical, emotional, and financial damage, but these damages vary based on each individual’s situation. Because of the uniqueness of each case, settlements for nerve damage after an accident will vary widely. However, you should know that you could seek several forms of compensation for your medical costs and many other…
What Is the Average Settlement for Shoulder Surgery After a Car Accident?
If you injured your shoulder in a crash, you may wonder about the average settlement for shoulder surgery after a car accident. These procedures could cost tens of thousands of dollars, but each individual settlement will be unique based on the facts of each car accident case. Additionally, because shoulder surgery procedures can vary and…
What Information Should Be Exchanged After a Car Accident?
After making sure everyone involved in the crash is safe and receives medical attention as necessary, you should exchange insurance information and other contact details with the other driver, including: Full name Contact information Insurance company and policy number Driver’s license number License plate number Make, model, and color of the vehicle A car accident…
What Happens When You Slip and Fall at a Store?
When you’re suffering after a painful injury, you may be wondering what happens when you slip and fall at a store. In general, if you can show that a store owner or property manager neglected to address a hazardous condition that led to your injuries, you could seek compensation. If the hazard was “obvious” or…
What Are the Effects of a Fall on an Older Person?
The effects of a fall on an older person prove that it’s a significant health risk that can’t be overlooked. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that one out of four seniors falls every year. But while a significant portion of adults aged 65+ fall, the effects vary depending on how and…
How Much Money Can I Get from a Car Accident?
How much money you can get from a car accident depends on the case’s unique facts. Several major variables will determine how much you could seek, such as how much your medical bills cost. If you have catastrophic injuries after the car crash, your final settlement could be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars…
Can I Lose My Job While on Workers’ Compensation in Georgia?
You can lose your job while on workers’ compensation. In Georgia, it’s not illegal to fire an employee when receiving indemnity benefits or medical treatment. After a workplace injury, you might assume your job status is protected. No one wants to get injured while working, though you certainly hope your employer will have your back…
How Long After an Accident Can You Get Whiplash?
How long after a car accident you can experience signs of whiplash depends on your unique injury. According to Mayo Clinic, you may not notice symptoms of whiplash until a few days after the injury. After all, a car accident can be an overwhelming and frustrating experience, and when it happens, we often miss signs…
Does Car Insurance Cover Bicycle Accidents?
Depending on the details of the insurance policy, car insurance should cover bodily injuries that a driver causes during an accident—including a bicyclist’s injuries. If you were involved in a bicycle accident, healing after the crash could be costly. You could seek compensation through an insurance claim or lawsuit if a vehicle driver caused your…
Making an Injury Claim for Paralysis After an Accident
Accidents, whether it’s a car accident or a slip and fall, can cause serious injuries. For victims, the effects can range from broken bones to paralysis. If you are paralyzed, making an injury claim for paralysis after an accident may be the best way to seek justice. Since paralysis can affect everything from your health…
Can You Sue Uber If You Get in a Rideshare Accident in South Carolina?
While Uber’s popularity continues to rise in South Carolina, so does the risk of accidents with the ridesharing company. If you were a passenger in an Uber accident, you may be able to sue the company. A lawyer can assess your situation and inform you of your legal options. They can potentially file a lawsuit…
Can You Sue If You Get Hit By a Car on a Bike?
Anyone who regularly rides their bike on the road has probably worried about getting hit by a car. If you were hit by a car on your bike, you can sue. But there are other options for pursuing fair compensation. Suing may not be necessary. After all, it may take longer for you to get…
Are Wrongful Death Lawsuit Settlements Taxable?
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) states that wrongful death lawsuit settlements are not taxable because they are not considered a source of income. The IRS does not tax wrongful death settlements because it categorizes them as claims resulting from physical illness and personal injuries. When you lose a loved one to someone else’s negligence, carelessness,…
Are Car Accident Reports Public Records in South Carolina?
While you will have access to your car accident report, the public can also request access to crash reports by way of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). However, the public cannot access certain details related to your crash, such as your driver’s license number (per S.C. Code Sec. 30-4-160). Additionally, no identifying information from…
How Long Does Neck Pain Last After a Car Accident?
Many cases of neck pain last for a few days after a car accident before going away. However, some cases could take months or years to heal fully. The time needed to recover from neck pain varies depending on a few factors: Whether you started feeling severe pain immediately from the time of the accident…
Am I Entitled to Recover Damages If I Noticed the Hazard Before My Slip and Fall Injury in South Carolina?
When you enter another person’s property, the property owner, landowner, or business owner assumes the responsibility of keeping you reasonably safe. Even if you noticed the hazard before your slip and fall accident, you may be able to recover damages for losses suffered as a result of the accident. To win and get compensation for…
Consequences of a Hit and Run Accident
The consequences of a hit-and-run accident range from fines to imprisonment, depending on the severity of your case. In most cases, the courts will impose a fine that you must pay. The law considers a hit-and-run accident a serious crime as it is a major contributor to road fatalities. Some individuals turn to their primal…
Average Settlement for a Soft Tissue Injury from a Car Accident
The average settlement for a soft tissue injury from a car accident is hard to say. These settlements vary as each case is unique. The settlement one may receive for this type of injury will depend on many factors. Soft tissue injuries may be worth thousands in compensation. If you have a soft tissue injury…
Can You File a Car Accident Claim Without a Police Report in Georgia?
Yes, you can file a car accident claim without a police report in Georgia. Insurance companies often require a police report to assess the value of your claim, though. A police report is an important piece of evidence detailing how the accident happened. The report may also show who the at-fault party is, making it…
Can You Sue an Uber Driver If You’re Injured in an Accident?
Yes. When you suffer injuries in a Georgia or South Carolina Uber accident, suing the driver may be an option. Depending on the findings, it is also possible to sue the company and other parties at fault. The right to sue can vary depending on whether you were a bystander, a passenger in the Uber…
How Much Pain and Suffering Should I Ask for in a Car Accident in Georgia?
The amount of pain and suffering compensation you should request in a car accident depends on the circumstances and extent of your injuries. Several variables affect a pain and suffering settlement for a car accident. Insurance agents, lawyers, and other parties involved often investigate the incident to determine who was at fault. Liability has a…
Do Most Slip and Fall Cases Settle Out of Court?
Many slip and fall cases settle out of court. Like other personal injury cases, slip and fall accidents that occur because of another’s negligence warrant compensation for any losses and injuries sustained. Cases that go to trial normally take longer to be resolved. It is also challenging to prove that you slipped and fell because…
What Are the Four Types of Paralysis?
The four types of paralysis are: Monoplegia Tetraplegia (also known as quadriplegia) Paraplegia Hemiplegia If you suffer from paralysis due to an accident, you may be entitled to recover your related damages. A personal injury lawyer can go over your options with you and pursue compensation on your behalf. A Deeper Look Into What Paralysis…
What Should I Ask a Georgia Wrongful Death Lawyer?
When you contact a law firm for a case review, you have a chance to ask a Georgia wrongful death lawyer’s team all of your questions about your case. You may want to ask clarifying questions about the firm’s services, their experience, and how they plan to handle your case. No amount of compensation can…
How Do I Prove Damages for a Slip and Fall Claim?
To prove damages for a slip and fall claim, you must show that the property owner was negligent in that: They were to provide you with a legal duty of care. They breached that legal duty. This breach caused you to slip and fall. You were injured and suffered other losses as a result of…
Should I Accept a Cash Settlement from the Insurance Company Adjuster for My Premises Liability Injury?
You are never obligated to accept a cash settlement from the insurance company adjuster for your premises liability injury. While it may be tempting to accept the offer quickly, insurance company adjusters often have their own companies in mind and may attempt to downplay your injuries to make you settle for a too-low payment. However,…
How Much Is a Rear-End Truck Accident Worth?
How much a rear-end truck accident is worth will depend on the extent of your damages and expenses associated with the accident. In 2015, roughly 116,000 people were injured in accidents with large trucks, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Of the 4,761 fatal crashes in 2017, 21% were rear-end crashes. If…
How Much Should You Settle for After a Truck Accident?
Truck accidents are unfortunately commonplace. In 2017, 4,889 large trucks and buses were involved in fatal crashes according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Trucks can cause severe property damage, injuries, and fatalities. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 72% of people killed in large truck crashes in 2017 were occupants of…
Will My Car Accident Lawyer Deal With the Insurance Companies for Me?
Yes, a car accident lawyer can deal with the insurance companies on your behalf. Whether your accident led to property damages, personal injuries, or other conditions, a car accident attorney can communicate with both insurance companies on your behalf. Dealing with insurance after a car accident can be a hassle, especially if it’s your first…
Will My Premises Liability Case Be Settled Out Of Court?
As long as the negligent party’s attorney or insurance company cooperates by giving you the compensation you are entitled to, your premises liability case will be settled out of court. Most personal injury cases, including premises liability, settle outside of court because it is often faster and easier than arguing a case at trial. As…
What Are Some Examples of Dangerous Conditions That Qualify for a Premises Liability Claim?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 170,000 people died from unintentional injuries in 2017 – some, no doubt, caused by the negligence of others. Some examples of dangerous conditions that qualify for a premises liability claim include, but are not limited to: Broken, uneven, or wet flooring Broken lights Exposed wiring…
At What Speed do Most Motorcycle Accidents Happen?
The National Highway and Transport Safety Authority (NHTSA) found that speeding accounts for 33% of motorcycle accidents. The speed at which many motorcycle accidents occur is above posted speeds. The posted interstate limit in Georgia and South Carolina is 70. Motorcycle accidents differ from other vehicular accidents due to the severity of riders’ injuries. Motorcycles…
Identifying the Responsible Parties in a Trucking Crash
Identifying the responsible parties in a trucking crash helps you know who to make your claim against. There could be multiple responsible parties in a trucking crash, and all can share the liability for the accident. The trucking company may be responsible for the accident if it occurred while the driver was performing their duty….
What Happens If You Lose a Car Accident Lawsuit?
If you lose your car accident lawsuit, you will not receive any reimbursement for the damages for that claim. Luckily, states like Georgia and South Carolina allow you to appeal the ruling and file another claim. Since this process can consume a lot of time, work with an attorney when filing your case. They can…
Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage in Georgia
Uninsured and underinsured motoring coverage can help you recover damages from your insurance company when you get into an accident. The Insurance Information Institute states that 12.4% of drivers in Georgia drive without insurance cover. Exploring How Uninsured and Underinsured Coverage Could Protect You You might not get compensation from drivers with little to no…
Do I Need a Lawyer for My Drunk Driving Accident Injury
You do not need to retain the services of a personal injury lawyer if you have sustained injuries from a drunk driving accident. It could be your legal right to recover damages when you have been involved in a DUI accident. However, getting these damages on your own can be a challenge. You will need…
I Feel Fine After My Car Accident. Should I Still See a Doctor?
Many people struggle with whether they should see a doctor after a car accident if they feel fine. Always see a doctor in this situation. Many injuries may not present with any physical symptoms immediately after the accident. An untreated injury from a car accident could cause complications in the future that might significantly affect…
What Damages Can I Claim After a Dog Bite Injury in Georgia?
One of the most traumatic incidents you can experience is being attacked by a dog. When this happens, you may be entitled to recover full compensation for your suffering, which should include a combination of your economic and non-economic damages. Fortunately, when a negligent dog owner is the cause of your injuries, you have the…
How Much Is a Rear-End Truck Accident Worth in Georgia?
Determining how much a rear-end truck accident is worth in Georgia is not easy. The data regarding the average amount of personal injury settlements is unavailable in most cases, as settlement discussions are usually confidential. Without that information, it is impossible to accurately determine what these cases are worth on average. You can learn more…
What Happens After a Wrongful Death Deposition?
What happens after a wrongful death deposition will depend entirely on the facts of your case. In many situations, the outcome of a deposition could push a case toward settlement or increase the chances of a trial. The testimony given in a deposition could reshape the case outcome in different ways. After your deposition has…
What Damages Are Awarded in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in South Carolina?
When you lose a loved one, you need time to grieve with your family. One of the last things you want to deal with during this hard time is calculating your damages. Although no amount of compensation can truly address the pain that comes with losing a loved one, a fair settlement could ease the…
Can Siblings Sue for Wrongful Death in South Carolina?
Siblings can sue for wrongful death in South Carolina if they are named executors or administrators in their brother or sister’s estate plan. If the estate does not have an executor or administrator, the court will appoint someone to file a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of surviving family members. Coping with the loss of…
What Constitutes a Wrongful Death In Georgia?
Wrongful death is a result of negligent or intentional behavior that results in the death of a person. O.C.G.A. § 51-4-1 clarifies who can make a wrongful death claim. The main parties are the deceased’s spouse, family, and children. The spouse is usually the one to make a wrongful death claim. If the deceased had…
Death From a Car Wreck in South Carolina: What Should I Do?
When someone dies from a car wreck you were in, it is always advisable to contact 911 or the police. These authorities will take statements from the parties involved to understand how the event happened. They will also get emergency medical care for victims with injuries. If your loved one dies from a car wreck…
What Should I Do at the Scene of a Car Accident?
Here is what you should do at the scene of a car accident to help you protect your best interests: Check everyone for injuries and seek medical assistance. Report the accident to the police. Gather evidence. Exchange details with the other driver. Make no admission of fault. Contact your car accident injury lawyer. Knowing what…
South Carolina Car Accident Checklist
If you were involved in an accident, you could protect your legal rights and health in many ways with our South Carolina car accident checklist. If your accident resulted in common injuries, any misstep in the hours or days following your accident could put your financial recovery in jeopardy. One of the most important items…
Georgia Car Accident Checklist
If you were involved in a motor vehicle accident, you could benefit from a comprehensive Georgia car accident checklist. This checklist could ensure that you avoid legal pitfalls and protect your rights in the aftermath of a crash. While a checklist is a useful tool, it is only one of the ways you could protect…
What Can I Do to Protect My Rights After a Bicycle Accident in Georgia?
Many ways to protect your rights after a bicycle accident in Georgia are available to you. If you suffered injuries after a car struck you while cycling, you must protect your rights. A successful personal injury case could hinge on whether you take all of the necessary steps to strengthen your case following a collision….
What Constitutes a Wrongful Death in South Carolina?
If an individual’s death is caused by the “wrongful act, neglect, or default” of another person or organization, it could constitute a wrongful death claim or lawsuit. These cases can involve a range of fatal accidents. Certain family members may be entitled to receive compensation after losing a loved one to negligence. How Does the…
How Long Does It Take to Settle Wrongful Death Claims in South Carolina?
Every wrongful death claim is unique. The amount of time required to settle wrongful death claims in South Carolina may range from a few months to several years, based on the specific circumstances. Sometimes, claimants choose to file a wrongful death lawsuit if they can’t negotiate a fair settlement. This could add even more time…
What Are the Types of Auto Accidents?
The types of auto accidents may be classified by the vehicle type or collision type. Types of vehicle accidents include: Car accidents Truck accidents SUV accidents Motorcycle accidents Rideshare accidents Some of these accident types can be especially dangerous, such as truck accidents. A lawyer can help you seek the compensation you need after an…
Four Things You Shouldn’t Do After a Car Accident
Immediately following a car accident, the actions you take can dramatically impact your chances of recovering a monetary award for your injuries. To give yourself the best chance at fair financial recovery, consider these four things you shouldn’t do after a car accident: Discuss the crash with the other driver Ignore your doctors’ orders Give…
What Does Personal Injury Mean?
Accident victims should know the answer to this question: What does personal injury mean? The Legal Information Institute (LII) notes that personal injury includes harm to: One’s body One’s reputation One’s emotions Personal injury cases often involve some type of physical injury. Who Can Bring a Personal Injury Claim? You may bring a personal injury…
Do You Need a Lawyer After a Car Accident?
The civil courts do not require you to retain a lawyer after a car accident. However, many victims choose to retain legal representation because it allows them to step back from their cases while legal professionals handle the proceedings. Without any prior legal experience, victims can easily make simple mistakes that turn out to be…
Minor Injury Car Accident Settlements
If you were injured in a car accident, you might be entitled to financial compensation. This is true even if your injuries are relatively minor. Even a couple of diagnostic tests could cost you thousands of dollars, so the value of minor injury car accident settlements could be more than you realize. Additionally, some injury…
Who Is at Fault When You Get in a T-Bone Car Accident?
When you get in a T-bone accident, the driver who failed to yield the right of way is usually at fault. Sometimes, the driver who had the right of way can share the fault. For example, if that driver was speeding through an intersection, they may have contributed to the accident. The police will document…
How Much Does It Cost For a Car Accident Lawyer?
The exact cost of a car accident lawyer is different from one case to the next. This is because car accident lawyers typically work for contingency fees. As such, the payment your attorney receives depends on the settlement you get. While some attorneys work for fixed fees, we’ll focus on the more common practice of…
How to Find a Car Accident Lawyer
The question of “how to find a car accident lawyer” has a few answers. You may locate a car accident lawyer by: Asking any lawyers that you already know for referrals Asking friends and family to recommend a lawyer Conducting your own research on the internet, over the phone, or in person Participating in free…
Examples of Car Accident Settlements
Below, we discuss different types of financial awards available in auto collision cases, along with some examples of car accident settlements our attorneys obtained on behalf of their clients. Filing a compensation claim may feel like added stress while recovering from your accident. However, you deserve to be properly compensated for your injuries, especially in…
Does Anyone Get Approved for Disability the First Time?
Yes, some people do get approved for disability the first time. According to information provided by the Social Security Administration (SSA), 53% of Social Security Disability applicants receive a denial of benefits based on their first application. Based on this information, that means that 47% are approved for benefits the first time they apply. However,…
How Much Will My Insurance Go Up After a Fender-Bender?
How much your insurance will go up after a fender-bender will depend on your auto insurance policy, as multiple factors may affect how much your rates will go up. In some cases, a fender-bender might not affect your insurance rates if your driving history is good, and you were found not at fault for the…
How Much Money Can You Get for a Car Accident?
To determine how much money you can get for a car accident, you will need to total up the cost of your financial damages. This figure will also serve as the basis for how much you can collect for your noneconomic damages, like pain and suffering. Because each car accident case comes with its own…
Do You Have to Pay Taxes on Social Security Disability?
In some cases, Social Security Disability recipients may be required to pay taxes, according to the Social Security Administration (SSA). In fact, the SSA estimates that nearly one-third of their recipients are required to pay taxes. Your benefits are considered taxable if you have significant amounts of income in addition to your Social Security Disability…
Do You Have to File Taxes on Disability Income?
According to Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidelines, certain portions of your benefits may require you to file taxes. You may have to file taxes on disability income if “the total of (1) one-half of your benefits, plus (2) all of your other income, including tax-exempt interest, is greater than the base amount for your filing…
Do SSDI Denials Come Faster?
In most cases, SSDI denials do not come faster than SSDI approvals. When you apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, your application goes through a specific process. According to the Social Security Administration (SSA), it can take anywhere from three to five months to receive a decision on your benefits claim. When the…
South Carolina Diminished Car Accident Value Calculator
For many people, their motor vehicles will never be the same after an accident. Even after extensive repair work is done, some vehicles will never match their prior performance or fetch the same sale price they would have prior to a crash. Under these circumstances, you could be entitled to damages for the diminished value…
What If I Get into a Car Accident in South Carolina and I Don’t Have Insurance?
If you get in a car accident in South Carolina and don’t have insurance, you could face financial hardship. In addition to the cost of your own vehicle repairs or medical treatment, you could also be responsible for the other driver’s damages. The good news is that you are not out of options simply because…
How Long Does an Accident Investigation Take?
If you are wondering how long an accident investigation takes, you are not alone. Many accident victims wonder the same thing. While each case is different, there are general time limits regarding such claims. However, there are several factors that may affect how long an accident investigation takes and how long you may be waiting…
How Much Does Insurance Go Up After an At-Fault Accident?
After causing an accident, your insurance premiums will not necessarily go up after filing a claim. Each insurance company is different. Some companies raise policyholders’ premiums following an accident, while others do not. Whether your insurance will go up after an at-fault accident will depend on the nature of the collision, your driving history, and…
How Much Should I Ask for Pain and Suffering From a Car Accident?
How much you should ask for pain and suffering from a car accident will rest on the details of your situation. A personal injury lawyer can take into account many factors of your case when it comes to calculating the cost of your pain and suffering. These factors include: The severity of your injuries The…
Is It Worth It to Get a Lawyer for a Car Accident?
Only you can decide for yourself whether it is worth it to get a lawyer for a car accident. While you are not required to work with a lawyer to recover compensation for your collision-related expenses, you might find that doing so works to relieve your worry and stress. A car accident lawyer can help…
How Much Should a Rear-End Collision Settlement Be?
Your individual rear-end collision settlement should be enough to fairly compensate you for your losses. However, you are not guaranteed fairness. Some insurance companies try to pay accident victims as little as possible. After you report an accident, your insurance company might try to offer you a settlement to resolve your case quickly. You may…
Am I Able to File a Slip-and-Fall Claim in South Carolina?
Yes, you are able to file a slip-and-fall claim in South Carolina. The term “slip-and-fall” refers to a situation in which something like a slick spot on the floor causes you to lose your footing and fall, getting injured. Although South Carolina permits slip-and-fall claims, it gives you limited time to do so. According to…
At What Age Does Social Security Disability Turn into Regular Social Security?
The Social Security Administration (SSA) says that when a person reaches full retirement age, their Social Security Disability will turn into regular Social Security retirement benefits. This rule applies to both Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) payments and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The SSA manages both the SSDI and SSI programs, but they have different…
Can I Get Disability for Anxiety?
Yes, you can get disability for anxiety, but doing so is not an easy task. Your anxiety must meet the benchmarks set by the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) Listing of Impairments. The organization uses these criteria to evaluate the severity of physical and mental conditions. Also, you must satisfy other requirements, like being unable to…
Do I Need a Lawyer for My Premises Liability Case?
While you do not need a lawyer for a premises liability case, working with one can offer a variety of benefits and services. They can take many measures on your behalf to hold a negligent party responsible for your damages. For example, they can collect evidence to show that because another party failed to keep…
How Long Does a Hazard Need to Be Present for a Property Owner to Be Found Liable?
There is no specific amount of time that a hazard needs to be present for a property owner to be found liable. Once a property owner is aware of a hazard and the injuries it can inflict on another, the hazard should be resolved within a reasonable amount of time. The time it takes to…
What If I’m Partly at Fault in a South Carolina Premises Liability Case?
In South Carolina, if you suffer injuries on another person’s property and it is partly your fault, you might still be able to collect compensation. As long as your negligence does not surpass the defendant’s negligence, you might be eligible for financial recovery. The amount of compensation you receive will depend on your level of…
What Safety Standards Do Property Owners Have to Have in Place in South Carolina?
State law requires property owners to protect the safety of visitors, employees, and residents on their properties. The South Carolina Bar outlines several safety standards they must put in place on their premises. These include proper lighting, regular maintenance, and sufficient security measures. Failure to adhere to these standards leaves property owners liable for injuries…
Georgia Diminished Car Accident Value Calculator
If you were in a car accident, part of your insurance settlement could account for the diminished value of your vehicle. This part of the settlement is designed to compensate you for the loss in value of your vehicle even after repairs are made. Because this concept is subjective, insurance companies use different calculation methods…
What to Do if You’re in Pain After a Car Crash
The aftermath of a motor vehicle accident can be confusing, especially if you are injured. It can be difficult to assess the severity of your injuries right away when in pain. The next steps you take are important, as your response to your injuries could impact your future health and prospective personal injury lawsuit. Unsure…
Can I Get a Settlement from Workers Compensation if I Go Back to Work?
Whether you can get a settlement from workers’ compensation if you go back to work depends on several factors. In most cases, you may not feel ready to return to work when your employer deems you ready. As part of the health care that you receive for your injury or illness, the severity of your…
What Is a Personal Injury Lawyer?
A personal injury lawyer handles cases involving injury to a person. They work to hold the negligent party accountable and seek fair compensation to help the victim move forward from their accident. A personal injury lawyer will take on every part of a case while their client focuses on their recovery. Which Case Types Qualify…
Understanding Type of Car Accident Damages
Your lawyer can be helpful in understanding types of car accident damages. They can explain: The difference between general and special damages (also known as non-economic and economic damages) The types of damages that exist in your case How much compensation you deserve for your losses The issue of damages is central in car accident…
Can You Get Disability for Anxiety and Depression?
According to Social Security Administration (SSA) guidelines, If you qualify for benefits, you can get disability for anxiety and depression. You may qualify for disability for anxiety under SSA Mental Disorders – Adult §12.06, if you have medically documented anxiety characterized by at least three of the following: Restlessness Fatigue Lack of concentration Irritability Muscle…
How Can You Tell Who Caused an Accident?
When you are involved in a car accident caused by another driver, you may need to prove how the accident occurred to collect compensation. You can tell who caused an accident by: The points of impact on each involved vehicle The investigative notes detailed in the crash report Statements from independent witnesses Your medical records…
Can You Work Part-Time on Social Security Disability?
Yes, you can work part-time on Social Security Disability as long as your income does not exceed the allowable income limits set by the Social Security Administration (SSA). The SSA’s income limits let you earn up to $1,260 per month – or $2,110 per month, if you are blind – and still receive your full…
Can You Work on Disability 2020?
If you are a disability benefits recipient, you can work on disability 2020, according to Social Security Administration (SSA) guidelines. During a nine-month trial period during which you assess your ability to work, the additional income you earn from work will not affect your disability benefits. In addition to the nine-month trial period, you may…
Can You Lose Your Disability Benefits?
Most people who qualify for disability benefits will continue to receive benefits for the duration of their disability, according to the Social Security Administration (SSA). You can lose your disability benefits if: Your health improves enough for you to participate in substantial gainful employment Your health improves to the point where you no longer have…
Can You Get Cash Assistance While Waiting for Disability?
Depending on the programs available in your state, there may be a way for you to get cash assistance while waiting for disability benefits to start. While waiting for the Social Security Administration (SSA) to make a decision regarding your eligibility for disability benefits, you may be able to get financial assistance through the Interim…
Can You Collect Social Security Disability and State Disability at the Same Time?
You can collect Social Security Disability and state disability at the same time, but you might see a reduction in benefits. According to the Social Security Administration (SSA), if you and your family receive Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits, your benefits might be reduced if you also receive disability benefits from state government programs. You…
Three Things You Should Know Before Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Georgia
Before filing a personal injury lawsuit in Georgia, you should know that you have a right to legal representation. Additionally, be aware that you will have to prove the four elements of negligence to win your case. The process may also take longer than you expect, especially if your case goes to trial. A lawyer…
How to Calculate Your Car Accident Compensation Amount
Being injured in an auto collision caused by another driver’s negligence can be costly physically, emotionally, and financially. As such, you are likely entitled to financial awards for numerous forms of losses incurred. However, it is also likely you have concerns about how to calculate your car accident compensation amount accurately. Simply put, compensation is…
What Is At Fault When You Get in a Rear-End Collision?
When you get in a rear-end collision, fault depends on who acted negligently. Most people assume that the back driver is always responsible for a rear-end collision. That’s not always true. Exploring Fault For a Rear-End Collision Consider the following: If a driver brakes suddenly, the vehicle behind them might not stop in time. This…
How Can I Get Disability Fast?
The Social Security Administration (SSA) notes that it can take anywhere from three to five months to get a decision regarding your application for Social Security Disability benefits. Even then, there are some exceptions that may extend this timeframe. While there is nothing you can do to get disability fast, there are some measures you…
How Is a Car Accident Settlement Divided?
Every party that is owed money from your car accident case must be paid from your settlement proceeds. A car accident settlement can be divided to pay for medical expenses, property damages, attorney fees, and more. Depending on the severity of your car accident claim, your case may not include these types of costs. Upon…
How Long Can You Wait to See a Doctor After an Auto Accident?
If possible, you should seek medical care from a doctor immediately following an auto accident. Even if you are not showing immediate symptoms for an injury, it is still a safe practice to be examined by a doctor or health care provider after an accident. As you question how long you can wait to see…
How Long Do I Have to Go to the Hospital After a Car Accident?
After a car accident, you should seek medical attention right away. In some cases, car accidents are so severe that medical transportation to hospitals is required for victims at the scene of the crash. If you have not seen a medical professional after an auto accident and are wondering how long you have to go…
How Long does an Accident Stay on Record?
How long an accident will stay on record typically depends on the insurance company and the state, so there is no definitive timeframe that applies to all drivers. However, the Insurance Information Institute (III) states that car accidents generally stay on a driver’s record and insurance premium for three years after the incident. Even when…
Who Is at Fault When You Get in a Multi-Car Accident?
The party at fault when you get in a multi-car accident will depend on who the initial negligent driver is. A multi-car accident is one of the most complicated scenarios for proving fault. It can be hard to prove who ultimately caused the crash and seek the compensation you deserve by yourself. You may want…
Can My Doctor Put Me on Disability?
Your doctor cannot put you on disability. Only a review of your application by Social Security Administration (SSA) officials can determine your eligibility for disability benefits and payments. SSA medical experts and vocational experts will, however, review your medical records and care with doctors. Along with medical records and an interview with doctors who have…
Can Minor Accidents Cause Back Pain?
Yes, minor car accidents can cause back pain. However, you may not experience symptoms immediately. It could take time for symptoms to develop, which is why you should seek medical attention right after getting into an accident to avoid further injury. Automobile accidents occur every day. Unfortunately, damages from an accident are not always limited…
When Should I Get Medical Care After a Car Crash?
You should go to the hospital in an ambulance if you feel that you were injured after a car crash. Even if you are in doubt about whether you need to go to the emergency room, go anyway. The adrenaline rush that comes after a car accident can often hide pain that you will begin…