How much your insurance will go up after a fender-bender will depend on your auto insurance policy, as multiple factors may affect how much your rates will go up. In some cases, a fender-bender might not affect your insurance rates if your driving history is good, and you were found not at fault for the accident. You may need to call your insurance representative to see how filing a claim might affect your insurance rates.
If a fender-bender resulted in serious injuries and you would like to be compensated for those losses by the at-fault driver, you may enlist the help of a lawyer to help you file your claim. They may be able to build a case that proves you were not at fault for the accident, and that you should be compensated for your damages.
Insurance Companies Consider Multiple Factors Before Increasing Rates
Some drivers may be hesitant to file a claim because they worry that their insurance rates will go up. According to CBS News, a study found that insurance rates increased by 41% after a single claim of $2,000 or more, which can apply to claims regarding fender-benders.
However, despite this concern, if a fender-bender caused you injuries, you may be able to fight against a rate increase if you were not at fault for the accident. An attorney can help you build a case that argues why you may be entitled to compensation and should not be penalized for someone else’s negligence.
Insurance companies consider three main factors before increasing a person’s premiums:
Fault for the Accident
When you file a car accident claim, you might be contacted by an insurance adjuster to determine who was at fault for the accident. You are not legally obligated to speak with the insurance adjuster and can choose to refer them to your lawyer instead. Doing so may prevent you from implicating yourself as being at fault.
If you were partially at fault for the accident, your rates may go up. However, depending on your insurer, your rates might stay the same as if you were not at fault at all.
The Severity of the Accident
If the fender-bender resulted in your injuries, the insurance company may consider how severe your accident was. Minor accidents do not affect insurance rates in the same way that serious car accidents do, even though both can still result in injuries. Your insurance provider may consider how severe the accident was before making a decision about your rates.
Your Driving Record
Your driving record plays a large role in how your insurance rates were formed in the first place. A good driving record might give you discounts, depending on your insurance provider’s policies. If you were prone to car accidents in the past, your rates might go up after making a claim on a fender-bender. Your lawyer can review your driving record and use their findings as the basis for moving forward.
You Might Recover Multiple Damages After a Fender-Bender
If a fender-bender resulted in your injuries and other losses, you may be able to file a claim to recover those costs.
Your lawyer may be able to help you recover the following damages:
- Property damage, such as to your vehicle
- Medical expenses, if your injuries required treatment
- Loss of income, if you had to take time off work to recover from an injury
- Reduced earning capacity, if a fender-bender-related injury prevented you from working at your regular performance
- Pain and suffering
Your car accident attorney may suggest other damages, depending on the nature of your case. In most car accident cases, the damages are economic and include future lost earnings, future medical bills, future travel expenses to get treatment and therapy, etc. While car accident cases rarely reach the stage where a jury awards punitive damages to the plaintiff, you can seek compensation for losses that are less concrete. Non-economic damages include mental anguish after the accident, the worsening of a previous health problem, loss of consortium, loss of enjoyment of everyday life and activities, etc.
Get Legal Assistance from George Sink, P.A. Injury Lawyers
Ultimately, how much your insurance will go up after a fender-bender will depend on your personal auto insurance policy. Insurance companies consider several factors before increasing insurance rates, so there is no defined answer as to whether a fender-bender will raise your premiums. However, if you would like legal assistance when filing a claim with your insurance company, our team is here to support you.
Call George Sink, P.A. Injury Lawyers if you would like some legal assistance with your fender-bender case. We serve clients in both South Carolina and Georgia. We are ready to serve your legal needs. Feel free to speak with a member of our team in a free consultation.