After causing an accident, your insurance premiums will not necessarily go up after filing a claim. Each insurance company is different. Some companies raise policyholders’ premiums following an accident, while others do not. Whether your insurance will go up after an at-fault accident will depend on the nature of the collision, your driving history, and the insurer you have a policy agreement with.
According to the Insurance Information Institute (III), if the insurer raises your premiums, they will likely stay at an elevated rate for three years. However, there are some things you can do to offset the cost of your premiums. For instance, if you go a certain period without an accident or traffic violation, the insurer might choose to restore your premiums to their previous level. You might also be able to lower your coverage costs if you are a student or have one in your household.
Depending on your role in the accident, your insurer might not raise your premiums, but instead, decline to renew your policy. If this is the case in your situation, you may need to start looking for a new insurance policy.
Do Not Assume You Are At-Fault for an Accident
Following a collision, you might have some concerns regarding who caused the accident. You should know that both Georgia and South Carolina are modified comparative negligence states, meaning that you can recover compensation as long as you are not more than 50% at fault for an accident. Each insurance company has a different way of determining fault.
They make these decisions by:
- Reviewing the police and crash reports
- Interviewing witnesses
- Evaluating the extent of each vehicle’s damage
- Reviewing the evidence associated with your case
Many people think that just because they hold some portion of fault for an accident that they cannot recover compensation. This is not true. Instead, your portion of fault will be deducted from the amount of compensation you can receive. For instance, if you were assigned 30% fault and another driver 70% fault, you would be able to recover 70% of your collision-related damages.
Dealing with the aftermath of a collision can be confusing. To provide some clarity, you might choose to partner up with a personal injury lawyer who can explain the details of the claims process.
A Personal Injury Lawyer Can Handle the Insurance Company
After being involved in an accident, dealing with the insurance company is inevitable. Sometimes these companies go to great lengths to deny or undervalue claims. However, when you work with a personal injury lawyer, they can deal with the insurance company on your behalf while you recuperate from the collision.
They can:
- Draft and send your demand letter to the insurance company
- Calculate the cost of your collision-related expenses
- Handle all negotiations
- Review the details of your insurance coverage
- Determine your portion of fault for the accident
- Defend you against unscrupulous insurance practices
Your lawyer can also explain whether your insurance will go up after an at-fault accident. While you do not need to work with a lawyer following an accident, doing so can work to advance your legal interests.
Recoverable Damages Following an Accident
In Georgia and South Carolina, as long as your portion of fault does not exceed 50%, you could be compensated for various expenses. While seeking compensation, you might experience difficulties in your dealings with the insurance company.
However, your lawyer can work toward a fair outcome that recovers compensation for your:
- Medical bills
- Assistive mobility devices, such as a wheelchair or crutches
- Physical therapy
- Lost income, wages, tips, and benefits
- Diminished earning capacity
- Disability
- Disfigurement
- Pain and suffering
If your lawyer cannot reach a fair settlement with the insurer, then they can file a lawsuit against the negligent party.
Get a Free Consultation with George Sink, P.A. Injury Lawyers
So, while there is no telling whether your insurance will go up following an at-fault accident, you still may be able to take legal measures to recover compensation. At George Sink, P.A. Injury Lawyers, we have been representing injured claimants for over 40 years. We can help you determine your eligibility for a civil action and provide legal counsel.
We offer a free, no-obligation consultation to prospective clients who wish to learn more about their financial recovery options. To get started, call George Sink, P.A. Injury Lawyers today.