George Sink, P.A. Injury LawyersGeorge Sink, P.A. Injury LawyersCall Anytime. 24/7
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CG=Car Accidents Are Difficult

I’m Attorney George Sink. Being in a car accident is difficult. You may be injured, facing a lengthy recovery, and can’t work right now. You’re worried about how you’re going to take care of your family.

CG= We Can Help


If another driver caused your accident and injuries, a car accident lawyer at George Sink, P.A. Injury Lawyers can help. We can investigate what happened, determine who is liable, and hold them legally accountable.

CG= We Will Handle All Aspects of Your Case

CG= Medical Bills

CG= Lost Income

CG= Pain and Suffering


You should not have to take calls from insurance agents or worry about filing paperwork with the court while you are in pain from the accident. Our team will gather pertinent evidence including the police report and any video or pictures of the crash scene and your injuries. We will file a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company for all of your damages, including medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering. And we will handle all negotiations with the insurance company to ensure you receive the compensation you need.  

CG= We Have Won Millions for Our Clients
We have won millions of dollars in settlements and court awards for car accident victims, putting money directly into our clients’ pockets. We can do the same for you.
Dissolve in logo and bring phone number up on the screen. Freeze frame logo and phone number and please do not go to black. We want you to just focus on getting better and leave the rest to us. If you have any questions, call 1-800-849-SINK for a free consultation. At George Sink, P.A. Injury Lawyers, we want to help you get back on your feet after a car accident. 