Were you or a loved one injured in a rental car accident? A Charleston rental car accident attorney from George Sink, P.A. Injury Lawyers may be able to help you get compensation. Give our Charleston office a call to speak with a member of our team about your case.
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Give Us A Call »You May Be Entitled to Collect Damages After a Rental Car Accident
If you get into an accident while using a rental car, you will need to file a report with the rental company. Depending on the nature of your agreement with the rental company, you may have to pay for damages to the rental car. This is true whether the accident was your fault or not. However, you may be able to recoup some of these expenses by seeking damages from liable parties.
If you were in an accident with someone who was using a rental car, you may be able to pursue damages from both the driver and the rental company. A lawyer can review your case to determine which parties may be liable to compensate you for your injuries and expenses.
Charleston Rental Car Accidents Lawyer Near Me843-628-0100
Investigating the Accident
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that, in 94% of car accidents, it is a driver’s actions that cause a crash. The remaining 6% of accidents are caused by the vehicle, by the environment, or by some undeterminable factor. Determining the liable party or parties may involve investigating your accident and gathering the information you need about how it took place.
One of the first steps in assigning liability is reviewing the police report, which might state which driver is at fault based on the police officer’s observations. However, your rental car accident lawyer in Charleston may also request video camera footage from a residence or business establishment to see how the accident took place. They might speak with eyewitnesses of the accident to get additional perspectives.
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843-628-0100Compensation for Financial Losses
Financial losses are called economic damages. They are designed as recompense for any money you lost or spent because of your accident and/or injuries. You may be entitled to collect the following economic damages:
- Medical expenses: You may collect damages if you had to go to the hospital after the accident, require long-term homecare, had to go to numerous doctor’s appointments, and other expenses to receive medical care.
- Repair expenses: You may collect damages if you paid to have your car fixed or replaced.
- Time off from work: You may collect damages if your injuries forced you to miss work, resulting in lost wages.
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Give Us A Call »Compensation for Physical and Psychological Losses
Physical and psychological losses are called non-economic damages. They are designed as recompense for injuries you sustained during the accident and any life changes you were forced to make as a result. You may be entitled to receive the following non-economic damages:
- Pain and suffering: You may collect damages if you suffered physical or mental anguish because of the accident and/or your injuries.
- Disability: You may collect damages if you will never be as physically or mentally able as you were before the accident.
- Diminished quality of life: You may collect damages if your injuries have left you unable to engage in activities you once enjoyed.
A Charleston Rental Car Accident Lawyer Can Manage Your Case
A car accident can be terrifying, even if you suffered no catastrophic injuries. Wading through legal paperwork and processes may be just one more burden you do not need. Below is a brief overview of the legal services George Sink, P.A. Injury Lawyers offers.
We Can Help Determine the Liable Parties
To get a settlement or win a court case, you will need to have strong proof that someone else is responsible for your accident. Parties who may be responsible for your rental car accident:
- The driver: The other driver failed to obey the traffic laws or was under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the crash.
- The manufacturer: The other car was outfitted with a faulty part that made the vehicle more susceptible to malfunctioning.
- The maintenance company: A routine maintenance check should or would have uncovered mechanical problems with the other car.
Our Charleston rental car accident lawyers will collect and review evidence related to your case that we can find to determine how the accident took place and who might be liable for damages. This evidence may include police records, medical records, maintenance records, and other document information.
We Can File and Submit Paperwork for You
If you decide to file a lawsuit, you must inform each party you are suing. If the case goes to trial, that will involve filing more paperwork and, if applicable, submitting documentary evidence to the court. We can inform you about which forms need to be filed and their deadlines. We can handle all legal paperwork on your behalf if you choose.
We Can Communicate With the Liable Parties
You do not have to have any direct communication with anyone involved in the crash, their lawyers, or their insurance companies. We can field all of their questions and requests and then sit down at the negotiating table on your behalf. We will fight to get you the compensation you need.
We Can Prepare and Present Your Case at Trial
In many cases, insurance companies are happy to settle out of court. Settlements are much faster and cheaper than going to trial. However, you do not have to accept their settlement if you believe it does not meet your financial needs. We are ready and willing to represent you in court by finding and questioning witnesses, submitting evidence, and arguing your case before a judge and jury.
We understand car accidents and their aftermath can be scary. Getting into an accident involving a rental car may bring on its own complications, depending on the rental company’s policy terms. A Charleston rental car accident lawyer from George Sink, P.A. Injury Lawyers wants to help you with your case. Call our Charleston office or fill out our online form for a free case evaluation.
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