Car crashes are a frequent occurrence in the United States. The most recent census estimated 10.8 million car accidents in the US during the year 2009 alone. These accidents are scary enough when you are in your own vehicle, but what happens if you experience a crash while behind the wheel of someone else’s car?
There are several factors to consider when you find yourself in this situation:
- Who was the driver at-fault in the accident?
- What type of auto insurance does the car owner have?
- What type of auto insurance do you have?
If you have an accident while driving someone else’s car here are some steps you can take to more effectively navigate the legal consequences. Take the right steps if this happens to you.
If you are physically able to do so, call both law enforcement and the owner of the vehicle right away. Not only does the owner of the vehicle need to know what has happened as soon as possible, but he or she may also have insurance that will cover you. The owner can also tell you where he or she keeps his or her insurance documentation.
Speak to your own auto insurance representative and have the owner of the car you were driving call his or her insurance company. Do you have non-owner’s insurance? This might make a big difference in the steps taken after a crash while driving someone else’s vehicle. Your insurance company needs to know about a crash as soon as possible. Getting an early start on the process will help in the long run. If you had an accident in someone else’s car, your insurance company and the insurance company of the owner of the car you were driving should work for you.
Seek medical attention for injuries. Ensuring your own personal health and safety is paramount. Medical professionals will be able to assess any personal injuries caused by the accident, and provide documentation of those injuries.
Talk to your South Carolina auto accident attorney, not the people on the other side. If you were hurt, do not discuss the details of your accident with the other party’s insurance adjuster until you have talked with a South Carolina car accident lawyer. What you say could be used against you in surprising ways.
Keep documentation of everything. As in any car crash, exchange insurance information with the other driver. Also keep any relevant information provided by law enforcement and medical professionals. You will want to share this information with your South Carolina auto accident attorney.
Contact a South Carolina auto accident lawyer to learn about your options. The world of auto insurance can be tricky and you will want the best advice to help you navigate the legal ramifications of crashing someone else’s car. If you have suffered personal injuries, you may also need legal advice to determine your rights for medical coverage. The George Sink P.A. Injury Lawyers legal team is here to help you find the best possible solutions for your situation. We can meet you in Charleston, Columbia, Orangeburg, Greenville, Florence, or anywhere else in South Carolina to tell you more about your options.