Think your job is a pain? Well, if you find your career on the list below, you may just be right! The following statistics are based on a 2009 study conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. They represent the top 10 jobs in the United States, where an employee is most likely to suffer a workplace injury .
These are not jobs with the highest fatality rate, but they can still strike a devastating blow to you and your family.
1) Pet Store Worker:
- Chance of being injured on the job – 13.6 %
- Number of injuries in 2009 – 10,400
Shockingly enough, this is true. If you think about the range of jobs out there from construction worker to police officer, it may be hard to imagine. But if you think about it, pet store workers deal with a variety of animals on a daily basis, and there is absolutely no guarantee that any type of animal won’t lash out at any time. Injuries range from cat scratches to snake bites. It can be a risky job and one that’s definitely not for everyone! 2) Police Officer:
- Chance of being injured on the job – 11.7 %
- Number of injuries in 2009 – 50,800
This profession is not so shocking to see on a list like this. A police officer’s main duty is to keep our community as safe as possible and to protect us from harmful situations. This one is not nearly as shocking as a pet store worker! Don’t you agree? 3) Firefighter:
- Chance of being injured on the job – 11.6 %
- Number of injuries in 2009 – 22,400
Again, a profession that is not shocking to see on a list of jobs in which you are most likely to get injured on. We all know what firefighters do for us and the community and extend a big thank to them! 4) Ski Facility Worker:
- Chance of being injured on the job – 10.3 %
- Number of injuries in 2009 – 2,100
Sounds like a fun job and even a dream job for those of us who love the outdoors, snow and skiing. What better way to get to work then on a snow mobile and then ski down the mountain for lunch? When you begin to think about all the details that the job may entail, it too, is a job that isn’t surprising to see on this list. 5) Iron Foundry Worker:
- Chance of being injured on the job – 10 %
- Number of injuries in 2009 – 4,300
Imagine being around temperatures so hot that you can melt metal down to a liquid. Well, that’s what an iron foundry worker does for a living. Need I say more? 6) Travel Trailer and Camper Manufacturer:
- Chance of being injured on the job – 10 %
- Number of injuries in 2009 – 2,200
The study gives no additional explanation why this manufacturer showed up on this list. So, we are all left wondering, “What is it about camper manufacturing that makes it that much more dangerous than other large vehicles?” 7) Professional Athlete:
- Chance of being injured on the job – 9.7 %
- Number of injuries in 2009 – 8,500
Just think about how intensely athletes exert themselves and their body and then think about all the contact sports. There’s no doubt injures are going to occur over and over again. 8) Hazardous Waste Collector:
- Chance of being injured on the job – 9.7 %
- Number of injuries in 2009 – 1,100
The job title begins with the word “hazardous,” of course it’s on this list. 9) Veterinary Services Professional:
- Chance of being injured on the job – 9.4 %
- Number of injuries in 2009 – 28,000
The pet store worker is at the top of the list, so again, it’s not surprising that a veterinary service professional is on here as well. However, someone who is working as veterinary professional has more training and equipment to handle animals, whereas anyone can work in a pet store without animal handling training. 10) Scheduled Passenger Air Transportation:
- Chance of being injured on the job – 9 %
- Number of injuries in 2009 – 29,600
The title confused me too, don’t worry. Basically this statistic is saying that people who work in air travel, most often, flight attendants, seem to injure themselves as a result of turbulence. They fall when walking down the aisle to help us with something. This statistic has nothing to do with plane crashes.
To read more about the above list, please visit now.
If you have been injured in one of the following professions, or in any other kind of work-related accident, call the experienced legal team at George Sink, P.A. Injury Lawyers. We will help you get the compensation you deserve.
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