When it comes to car accidents, particularly fatal accidents, there aren’t always witnesses to help investigators determine the chain of events leading up to the crash. Often times, a family is left without any sense of closure after the loss of a loved one, struggling to understand who was to blame. Over the last 15 years, South Carolina has assembled the second largest accident reconstruction team in the nation. The team is called M.A.I.T which stands for Multi-Disciplinary Action Investigation Team.
The team is normally called to investigated fatal accidents or felony DUIs, particularly is charges could potentially be filed against the at-fault driver. They use a “total station” to measure and map the accident scene. Then, they take that information to work from reverse and establish a computer model of the events surrounding the crash. According to this news report, that data can be used in court to make convictions or acquit someone who was falsely charged. Members of the team are often called upon to act as experts and testify in court.
Reconstruction has been made easier in recent years by the implementation of data recorders in many newer vehicles. In one instance, they found that a driver didn’t so much as tap their brakes before a fatal accident and even accelerated to 120 mph. As a North Charleston personal injury lawyer , I have handled many cases in which a reconstruction expert was able to prove fault so that my clients could obtain the compensation they deserved.
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