Sometimes a car accident isn’t really an accident at all. When the other driver is angry, aggressive and dangerous, their car becomes a two thousand pound weapon, endangering everyone on the road.
It’s a serious issue: Road rage is a killer, directly resulting in 289 deaths nationally in 2011, according to a report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Road rage makes the roads more dangerous for everyone, every day.
Aggressive Driving
We’ve all seen it! The aggressive driver with a seeming vendetta. The guy trying to push his way past all other traffic. Technically, aggressive driving is defined as a traffic offense that includes:
- Following too closely
- Driving at excessive speeds
- Weaving through traffic
- Running stop lights and signs
That kind of driving is irresponsible and it can get you hurt. When those behaviors result in a South Carolina car crash causing injury or death, the angry driver may be found liable for damages – depending on the type of accident .
Road Rage
Aggressive driving started getting attention in the early 1990s and the term road rage was born to describe the most egregious examples of angry and aggressive driving.
Psychologists and sociologists have tried to explain road rage and found a number of triggers and explanations for irrational and dangerous behavior behind the wheel, ranging from a bad day at work and traffic congestion to chronic mental instability.
Degrees of Rage
Since the mid 1990s, there have been regular reports of extreme road rage, sometimes resulting in drivers shooting each other with guns over offences as simple as failing to signal.
In those extraordinary circumstances, cases cease to be simple car accident claims and become murder investigations.
However, those extreme cases represent just a fraction of road rage cases. Aggravated drivers frequently behave irrationally and dangerously behind the wheel, using their vehicles as weapons to threaten other drivers. The trouble is that those threats sometimes result in real harm either to the target or innocent passersby.
South Carolina Car Accident Lawyers Can Help
If you or a loved one has been the victim of road rage, contact the experienced South Carolina auto accident attorneys at George Sink P.A. Injury Lawyers right away. We have been defending the rights of injured motorists for 39 years and we know how to handle serious injury cases involving road rage. Do not talk to the angry driver’s insurance adjuster and do not sign anything. You might be surprised by how much your South Carolina road rage case is worth.
We offer a free case evaluation to help you understand your rights and the value of your case at our offices in North Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Orangeburg, Sumter, Walterboro and Moncks Corner.
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