If you were hurt on the job and have received the medical care and time you needed to heal, it might be time to go back to work. When you do, be careful; both with your body and with your job.
Be careful not to overextend yourself. Follow your doctor’s orders and don’t try to dive right back into your old routine. You could aggravate your injuries or hurt yourself again.
Be sure to perform your job as professionally as possible. This could be a bad time to be fired for cause.
Light Duty
Employees are often released back to work for light duty. This could mean that you can answer phones in the warehouse instead of loading trucks, or that you could work shorter hours.
If your employer is paying you less than your Temporary Total Disability – typically two-thirds of your average pay including bonuses, overtime, and tips – South Carolina Workers’ Compensation should cover the difference.
Be sure to fully recover.
We frequently see hard workers released back to work for light duty who try to do too much, too quickly, and end up in worse condition than they were in the first place. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself.
The reason we take South Carolina workplace injuries so seriously is that they can stay with you the rest of your life, and impact your ability to earn an income for the rest of your life.
Communicate with your employer.
If your work is too hard or uncomfortable, or if you are afraid of reinjuring yourself doing assigned tasks, talk to your superiors about it. Be sure to think through your situation before you talk to your employer so you can clearly explain you injuries, your pain, and what you need in order to heal correctly.
Behave professionally.
If you perform unprofessionally or recklessly at work, your employer could fire you and argue that you refused to accept the work responsibilities offered – and that could hurt your South Carolina Workers’ Compensation claim.
If you have any questions about how the Workers’ Compensation system works and what benefits and compensation you could be entitled to, contact the skilled legal team at George Sink, P.A. Injury Lawyers. We offer a free consultation that will help you understand your rights and options.
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