Megan Watson
George Sink Injury Lawyers Set Students Up for Success With School Supply Giveaway
Free bookbags and other items while supplies last at four of the law firm’s South Carolina locations
CITY, ST, AUGUST 12, 2021 — Starting Wednesday, August 11, 2021, George Sink, P.A. Injury Lawyers began its Sink School Supply Giveaway. The firm’s Greenville, Charleston, Columbia, and Myrtle Beach locations are giving away school supplies to anyone who stops by their offices. Supplies include bookbags, rulers, notebooks, and hand sanitizers.
We Know How To Protect Your Rights And We Are Ready To Fight For You!
Give Us A Call »How to Pick Up Your Free School Supplies
Anyone can drop by to pick up the supplies to get the school year off to a good start. The locations in Greenville, Charleston, Columbia, and Myrtle Beach are open from 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday.
The offer will continue while supplies last.
School supplies are essential to a student’s ability to complete classwork and homework. Still, they can be difficult for some parents to afford—particularly these days when so many are struggling financially.
An Important First Step to a Productive School Year
George Sink, Sr. acknowledges this struggle and has stepped in to make sure nobody in his community suffers academically because they lacked the tools they needed to succeed. There simply is too much at stake, in Sink Sr.’s eyes.
“Every school year brings the promise of new friends, new opportunities, and a fresh start toward a fulfilling future,” said Sink, Sr., a former schoolteacher. “Nothing should dampen a student’s feeling that anything is possible on the first day of school. By providing school supplies to the youth of our community, we feel good knowing that we have cleared at least one potential hurdle from the path toward a successful and rewarding academic year.”
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(888) 612-7001Sink Law’s College Scholarships Further Benefit the Community
Sink, Sr.’s passion for education is clear across many of his firm’s outreach efforts. Besides the Sink School Supply Giveaway, George Sink, P.A. Injury Lawyers finds other ways to encourage educational pursuits.
Twice a year, the firm honors one hard-working U.S. high-school or college student with a $1,000 Veterans & Military Family Scholarship. The scholarship is open to students who are active-duty service members, veterans, or spouses/children of service members (active-duty or retired).
As a military veteran who served two tours in Vietnam as a Marine Corps captain, Sink, Sr. believes in helping military families meet and overcome the challenges of limited compensation and long stints away from home. It’s just one more way he ensures that his firm provides for the communities where they provide legal services.
“Giving back to our community is at the heart of everything we do,” said Sink, Sr. “And I can’t think of a better way to help a community than by promoting the education of its youth.
Our Firm Stands Apart From The Rest Because We Make Clients Our Priority.
Give Us A Call »About George Sink, P.A. Injury Lawyers
George Sink, P.A. Injury Lawyers is a personal injury law firm with offices throughout South Carolina and Georgia. The firm also handles work injuries, veterans’ disability, and Social Security Disability claims.
Individuals who seek legal representation in one of the above areas can call George Sink, P.A. Injury Lawyers for a free case evaluation, call (888) 612-7001.
Cases handled by a lawyer at George Sink, P.A., who practices in Columbia, Myrtle Beach, Anderson or Greenville SC, Augusta or Savannah GA, or at the principal office: 7053 Rivers Ave, N. Charleston SC. Prior results by the law firm do not guarantee similar outcomes. George Sink, Sr licensed in SC.
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