After a night out with friends, many people use all kinds of rules of thumb to see whether or not they are able to drive. You may be among the many who think you are able to gauge how sober you are; but what if your estimation is wrong? Drinking and driving in South Carolina can result in fines, jail time, and death.
The smartphone market has responded to this problem with various mobile apps designed to let people who have been drinking know whether they have crossed the limit of being safe to drive. However, unlike simple game or compass apps, a lot can ride on an app that estimates blood alcohol content. Can these mobile BAC apps be trusted?
Types of apps
There are a few different types of BAC apps. Some apps have users input their body weight and the number of drinks they’ve had and calculate an estimated BAC. Some are fancy enough to allow users to keep a log and track their drinking habits over time. There is even BrethalEyes, recently released by Xplor Apps LLC, which analyzes the eye movements of individuals who have been drinking to determine their BAC.
Play it safe
But do these apps really work? Your life and the lives of others could be on the line. It is important to point out that all of these apps come with disclaimers. Some disclaimers warn that calculations given are only estimates and the iTunes preview for BrethalEyes notes that the app is “for entertainment purposes only.
In the end, it is always best to err on the side of caution. Don’t rely on mobile BAC apps to tell you when you are safe to drive. If you are in doubt about your level of sobriety, call a cab or have a designated driver take you home. You don’t want to be involved in a South Carolina DUI accident.
Contact a professional
Even if you are careful not to trust BAC apps to make your decisions about driving, someone else might not be. If you have been injured in a drunk driving accident, contact the experienced South Carolina car accident attorneys at George Sink, P.A. Injury Lawyers. We offer a free case evaluation in your home or at any of our offices in Greenville, Charleston, Columbia, and Orangeburg. We can help you understand your rights and options.
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