Getting into an auto accident can be a frightening experience. After making sure all parties are safe, the best course of action is making sure each driver is on the same page in terms of paperwork and insurance information. If you were injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault , you need to get this important information from the other party as soon as possible.
There are times when the at-fault driver may flat out refuse to give their name or insurance information. Regardless of who was at fault, both drivers must exchange their contact information to properly file an auto accident claim. Here are a few ways to get all the information you need following a car accident:
Step 1: Call the Police and File a Report Right after the Accident
Call the police to come to the scene and file an accident report. By contacting an authority, it means that the other driver is no longer dealing with just you. Also, take pictures of all cars involved as long as you’re not putting yourself in danger doing so. Calmly ask the other driver to exchange information. Readily have yours handy to give to them. If they refuse to give you the information you need, move to step 2.
Step 2: Write Down All the Information You Can Gather Yourself
If you’re able to, write everything down; the other driver’s name, make and model of the car, and the license plate information. File an accident report when the officer arrives and truthfully answer any questions they may have. Be sure to record all injuries and damages to your vehicle as well.
Step 3: Contact an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer for Help
When all attempts to contact the other driver are unsuccessful, don’t fret. An experienced car accident attorney can help you get the information you need to properly file an accident claim. An accident lawyer can also help you negotiate with the insurance companies to make sure you get all the money you deserve.
If you are having trouble getting the information you need to file an auto accident claim, contact the car accident attorneys at George Sink, P.A. Injury Lawyers to get the help you need. We have helped over 40,000 injured people in SC get the money they deserve, and we are happy to discuss the details of your particular case – free of charge. Contact us day or night to schedule a free case review ; we’ll meet you in Charleston, Columbia, Greenville, Orangeburg, Walterboro, or anywhere in the state of South Carolina.
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