DePuy Orthopaedics ASR XL hip device was supposed to last 15 to 25 years, but faults in the designed caused its failure rate to be 12-13%, leaving nearly 12,000 people facing revision surgery.
On average, hip prostheses have an early failure rate of 5%, much lower than DePuys. The prosthesis’ failure rate of 12-13% is among 90,000 hip implant patients with the device. More than 400 patients have already complained to the Food and Drug Administration about the metal-on-metal device prematurely failing.
The 12,000 who will likely have to undergo revision surgery may face painful, difficult and expensive procedures. A second implant has a much lower success rate than the first, lasting an average of 12 years, and the third only lasts an average of eight years.
As a North Charleston personal injury lawyer I know the complications and hardships accompanying patients who’ve received a DePuy hip implant. Those who are lucky enough to have a functioning DePuy hip aren’t in the clear yet, however. All 90,000 DePuy hip implant patients face issues of metal toxicity from the devise wearing down and debris entering the blood stream. The metallosis could result in serious injuries down the road.
If you or a loved one has needed revision surgery or have the implant and fear the risk of metallosis, have your case evaluated by a North Charleston personal injury lawyer.
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